
January 13, 2015

24 to-do's for age 24

Last year I created and shared my 23 to-do's for age 23, and it was a GREAT way for me to think about things that I wanted to accomplish as a 23-year-old, and the blog post kept me accountable for completing those items. So this year I've created a list for year 24, with the couple of items that I didn't complete in year 23, and some new ones! I'm really excited for this year and making major life moves before age 25. I think making lists (and sticking to them) is a fun way to organize your time and make sure you're living life to the fullest. I also based some of these more specific to-do's on my 2015 Promises. I'll update this list throughout the year like I did last year and will probably have some blog posts sharing my progress.

Progress: 3/24 complete
  1. Reach 1 million views for RCSOATL {1M views as of Feb. 19}
  2. Find out my blood type
  3. Get a job/career that I love
  4. Don't straighten my hair until my grad school graduation in December 2015
  5. Go to a state in the U.S. that I've never visited
  6. Invest in quality makeup & work clothes {February 2015}
  7. Meet the President {March 2015}
  8. Sign up for 10 yoga classes & attend them {1. Hotlanta Yoga: Jan., 2.  Hotlanta Yoga: Jan., 3. Hotlanta Yoga: March, 4, 5, 6, 7 Hotlanta Yoga: April and May,
  9. Read seven books & biographies {1. Condozeelza Rice: Jan., 2. Kristin Clark Taylor: Jan., 3. Nikki Haley: March
  10. Find a new Atlanta non-profit and volunteer + donate {Hands on Atlanta = donation
  11. Go to my first wine tasting
  12. Earn Graduate Communications Certificate
  13. Earn my real estate license
  14. Go back to Washington D.C. for a weekend
  15. Expand VKV Communications LLC
  16. Make my own design for my new place (rug)
  17. Spend a weekend unplugged (no phone, computer, TV, Internet)
  18. Eat only fruits, vegetables, & water for a week (no carbohydrates)
  19. Try a new restaurant in Atlanta every month {Jan. : STEEL Restaurant & Lounge, Jan. : Livingston Restaurant, Feb.: Beautiful Restaurant, May: Ecco}
  20. Continue using my gratitude journal on a weekly basis
  21. Do something uncomfortable / challenge myself once a month
  22. Take a Spanish class to continue learning the language 
  23. Pay off 75% of my student loans
  24. Maintain my weight and BMI

What do you think of my list?

P.S. My 24th birthday is TOMORROW! :)


  1. Vett, this is great list... I hope you accomplish many if not all of them... I really hope you get to meet the president. I have never wanted to meet one but I would love to meet this one... have a great day xox

  2. I like this list. It's realistic and achievable; including meeting the President. I know you will do well in meeting all of them. You're a go getter!

    Have a beautiful week, sugar!

    Eesh | The Other Side of Paradise

  3. I wish I had the foresight to be so ambitious when I turned 24. Lord. Almost scary to think that come November it'll be the 10th anniversary of my 24th bday! So many memories to be made Vett! Enjoy your birthday hun!!!!!

  4. Aw I've always wanted to learn how to sew! You can knock the wine tasting off the list any time with me, lady ;)

    1. me too!! and my mom is a pro, so this is my year to learn. and haha, your weekends do normally include some good wine time :)

  5. Wine tastings are so much fun and you will love yoga! These are all such great to-dos, happy 24th year!


  6. I hope you fulfil number 3 and 7- I think these two will definitely be defining moments of your 24th year! Happy birthday in advance xx

  7. Love this list! Girl, 1500 is the magic savings number for me too! Good luck with all this, 24 is your year :)

  8. I am going to go make me a list now.

  9. Happy Birthday!! You must go wine tasting! Can't wait to read about it ;)

    P.S. We don't know our blood type either & really want to!!

    xo, K

  10. Happy belated birthday ~ hope you had an amazing day! xx

    Liv | Queen of the Jumble


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