
April 03, 2014

In case you missed it...

I'm heading to Boston this afternoon and I am beyond excited to be reunited with my friend Ariane and to explore a different city! Thank you to everyone who sent Boston recommendations my way, I appreciate them. I've scheduled some posts for the next few days while I'm out of town, and you can follow my Boston adventures via Instagram & Twitter.

Here are some popular links/stories spreading around the internet, #ICYMI!

So. Much. Talent.

If you've seen every episode of Friends, like one of my friends has…that's 10 days of your life! And Keeping Up with the Kardashians = 5 days!

This was so spot on. I know all of these smells all too well, and still use a couple (Dr. Pepper chapstick and Cucumber Melon lotions).

I was very sad to learn about the shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, and even more upset that innocent people were killed and injured. I am praying for all of those affected and the Fort Hood community during this difficult time.


  1. Have fun in Boston Vett... I didn't know you had Instagram (although I should have guessed )... I just requested a follow :)

    It is very sad about Fort Hood... I too am praying for the people there and anyone affected... what a tragedy... :/

  2. Have a great trip Vett!

  3. Have a blast, sounds so exciting and adventurous! :)

  4. Have fun in Boston! I loved that smells of the 90s post too :)

    The Tiny Heart
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