
March 06, 2014

Cheap vegetarian meals and recipes {part 1}

It's Day 6 of #MeatlessMarch and I'm doing…surprisingly well! I haven't passed by a Chick-fil-A yet, so I haven't had any serious meat cravings. Plus, I've been enjoying the challenge of creating and cooking vegetarian & pescatarian lunches and dinners. My first attempt at a veggie dinner was making black bean burgers, and I loved them!

I mixed black beans, spinach, corn, white onions, mushrooms, an egg, and black pepper and basil in a bowl and formed it into small "patties." Then, I added a slice of pepper jack cheese and I baked them for 10ish minutes in the over.

I then topped them with peach mango salsa and slices of avocado, and put it inside a fat free tortilla/wrap.

It was amazing…already one of my favorite veggie dishes.

I cooked some spinach + radishes, mushrooms, & onion to go with my black bean burger.

spinach + radishes, mushrooms, & onion

Another day I cooked spinach, radishes, onions, mushrooms, and carrots in a skillet with olive oil

And I boiled some tomato penne noodles

Then I combined the skillet veggies with the pasta + mango salsa

Another delicious dish!

All so tasty and inexpensive ingredients! I'm excited to keep creating new meals and learning more about the pescatarian & vegetarian life. A big thanks to my meatless friends who have been so helpful and encouraging this week :)

I think I will continue my fast of meat through the Lenten Season. 
Are you giving up anything for Lent?


  1. This is right on time!!!! I am doing the no meat/pescatarian thing for Lent!! I sure hope you will be sharing more recipes. I'm going to give these a try :)

  2. Wow girl...never in my wildest dreams did I think that veggie dishes would have me salivating! These dishes look amazing! Great job Vett! :)

  3. Wow , really nice and beautiful blog ! Maybe u wanna follow each other ? If yes just follow me and let me know I will do the same as soon as possible :*

  4. Everything looks delicious. My father-in-law is vegan. Whenever he comes over for dinner I have to get creative in the kitchen. I recently made him a sweet potato pie. Thank goodness for Pinterest!!

  5. Wow - good for you! Love the looks of both the pasta and baked 'patties' on tortillas. We need more meatless days in our lives so thanks for some creative ideas.

  6. I love the ingredients for both! So colorful! So good! Love that pasta dish.

  7. This looks good...gonna have to pin this!! :-)

  8. That pasta looks amazing! Meatless isn't such an impossible feat, I just think because our bodies are so used to having them every meal it becomes a strain when there's nothing meat in what you're eating. But at least you're doing yours with flavor because there is nothing boring about these meatless meals :)

  9. oh gosh! everything looks SO good!

  10. I'm going meatless for March as well! My biggest challenge will be making these recipes work in my dorm room!


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