
November 27, 2013

Happy 1st birthday, KJ!

Technically, my precious little nephew turns 1 year old tomorrow, but I wanted to send an early happy birthday to this little man before Thanksgiving takes over! Happy birthday baby KJ! Being an aunt is so much fun, especially when you have a nephew this cute (and a niece this cute).

KJ is the newest member of our family and I got to meet him and spend my week of Spring Break with him back in March when I went to Los Angeles.

KJ and his mom/my sister-in-law
 He is adorable in photos, but a heart breaker in person. Seriously too cute for words. I'm hoping I'll get more time with this cutie over Christmas break because I just can't get enough.

Happy 1st birthday, KJ - hope to see you soon :)

Are there any cute little ones in your family?


  1. Hello from Spain: lovely nephew ... Happy first birthday! Keep in touch

  2. Very cute! I can tell how much you love him! We have plenty of little cuties in my family too!

  3. Awwww, he's the cutest! And his mom is a knockout, wow. Time certainly flies, happy first birthday little one :)

  4. He is precious! I hope he has a wonderful Birthday!


  5. Oh my goodness, your nephew is so perfect. And your sister-in-law needs to be the new face of a major label. Gorgeous family! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. a thanksgiving birthday? that would be interesting. My fiancee's brother's birthday is so close to turkey day that they often celebrate it that day anyway.

  7. OMG!!!!! He's seriously the cutest ever. those cheeks are the best!

    my youngest nephew is 5 and he's at that age where he's not that in to me anymore. lol.

  8. Being an aunt is so much fun! I have two nephews and a niece, but I only get to see them every couple of years. I miss them!

  9. Okay, so not only is KJ the cutest but im OBSESSED with your tortoiseshell glasses! What brand are they? I have basic black square frame glasses with a tortoiseshell eyeglass case but those are precious. My stepsister lives in LA and absolutely loves it.

    Warm wishes and happy Thanksgiving!


  10. OMG, that pic of KJ and his mom is so adorable. They should be models. Happy Birthday to your little nephew.


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