
August 11, 2013

Revamping my personal style

revamp: remake, revise, reconstruct, refashion, remodel

I'm revamping my personal style. Since I graduated from college and started work, I've been in this transition included.

After doing a little research (stalking the Women's Fashion Pins) and celebrity styles, I finally know what look I'm going for with my style.

It's definitely a mix of classy + indie + business casual + vintage.
Should be fun! I just want my clothes to still represent me.

Who are your style icons and how would you describe your style?


  1. I am also trying to revamp my style. I love finding style inspiration from Pinterest! Kate Middleton is definitely one of my favorite style icons!


  2. I love thinking about my personal style -- and I feel like it's something that changes so frequently! I'm currently into feminine and classy pieces with the occasional indie twist. I love clothing because it is so transformative, and you can just make it YOU!

  3. I really love your style and your look! Right now, I don't think I have a personal style, it's just a mix.
    Lots of kisses*

  4. Love that style. The best thing about clothes is that "style" is different for every person and you can make it YOU! My style is kind of all over the place most of the time. I really like classy preppy styles with a bit of a country (cowgirl boots and lace) and sometimes vintage. I like the style of the 1920s and I sometimes like to incorporate that into my pieces with a modern touch. Pearls, curls, boots, and monograms! I take ordinary styles and tweek it up a bit to just make it *me*.
    much love,

  5. I love your style so far! I think that I'm just...eclectic. I go with the flow, however I'm feeling. One day I'd be Bohemian chic and the next, mod...I'm just too much for myself!


  6. I use to watch what celebrities did, but honestly since I've been blogging there have been some bloggers that I admire. Example: Girl With Curves blog Lots of inspiration from these everyday girls.


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