
August 13, 2013

Football season is here {Falcons 2013}

Football season has officially begun, and I couldn't be more excited! 

I got to go to the home opener for the Falcons last week and although we lost, (ugh) it was such a great time! I love the atmosphere of football games and it was great seeing Falcons fans in their game day apparel. 

I'm hoping it's a great season for my favorite team!

Check out the Falcons 2013 schedule below:

What's your favorite sports team?


  1. Hi there! I didn't know about your blog and it is really interesting! Would u like to follow eachother? I'm following you!

  2. Hi pretty! You've a nice blog:) I like it!!
    Thank you for your comment, I follow you now via GFC and bloglovin;)
    Have a nice day!

  3. The only sport I really follow at all is soccer - I'm so European, I know - and I really only pay attention when its international play, like the European cup or the World cup. I do love the atmosphere of live games though, it matters less who wins than that you were there to experience it.

  4. i love u and all but im a saints fan..hehe :) we are rivals! But i do love looking at Kroy Bierman lol!

    XO Meghan

  5. My friends from the States always try to explain football to me, but football will always mean soccer to me! I do love the atmosphere at games though! Such a nice event that brings so many people together! xx

  6. Since I live in the upstate area of SC, I have to root for the closest team which happens to be the Panthers. Their practice stadium is in my city though. I don't know why they need to practice 90 miles away from Charlotte though.

  7. Ahhh I am SO pumped for the return of football season! Seriously, that's going to be the hardest part of moving to NYC this fall: I won't be able to go to all the UT and Texans games my heart desires anymore. Merrrr!
    Luckily I at least get to make it to the Longhorn's season opener next week!


    J. Parker


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