
January 19, 2013

Apple {think different} personality

How great is that. It's from Apple's "Think Different" campaign some years ago. I vaguely remember the commercials with some of the world's most notable people (such as Martin Luther King Jr.), but I never really paid attention to the words they were saying.

One of my friends, Eran, gave me a letter with the text from Apple's "Think Different" campaign as part of my birthday present because he thought it described me. What a compliment! I'm definitely a little crazy and I definitely have big dreams of making the world a better place. 

I fell in love with the text line by line because it describes the person I want to be and provided so much inspiration. I created the graphic above to print out, frame, and put on a wall in either my room/bathroom. Such a simple, yet perfect gift for me.

Words are fantastic when put in the right order. Thank you to all of my friends for the kind words on my birthday and meaningful gifts! It was a great day <3


  1. happy birthday (sorry for late!
    I went to Washington and it was exciting to walk where Martin Luther King did his speech!

    Pretty To Be Happy

  2. Happy belated birthday! Such a nice gift :)

    XO Jules

  3. those are very sensible qoutes it all makes sense

  4. That is wonderful! Glad I got the chance to read it. Very inspiring for the weekend ahead! ;-)

  5. Thanks for this post it's great. I'm a big fan of Apple and their campaigns.


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